#14: The Breakthrough with Roz Duffy
/In this episode, Paul and Whitney explore anxiety after Paul realizes that it may not be exactly the same as fear. This can shape how we feel about it and react to it. So what is anxiety? And what can we do to overcome it?
Roz Duffy
Then, we have the opportunity to chat with Roz Duffy. Roz has been helping create great communities, but recently decided to turn her attention inward and focus on her choices. We talk about experiencing life and creativity while working through some tough emotions.
Roz Duffy is a user experience strategist and researcher. Translation: She loves creating great experiences for humans of all kinds. You’ll often find her bringing meetings to life with design activities or organizing events and conversations around empowering change and thinking creatively.
When not trying to understand the way people interact with the world around them, Roz can be found sipping soy lattes, running or writing in her journal.
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Links and References for This Episode
Back to Work #153: Anxiety's a Goat
Roz Duffy's site, Stellargirl